Burial Grounds
Stockley Environmental understand the intrinsic need that as the worlds population continues to grow that ultimately the need for burial space will grow accordingly. With each religion having different requirements for burial it can be difficult for local authorities to meet their obligations on multi faith burial spaces and the number of them required over a given period.
Area of high populations and major cities tend to be the areas that have struggled to replenish the ever shrinking burial ground available. At Stockley Environmental we not only work with landowners on understanding the opportunity but with local authorities in identifying areas for potential burial ground expansion.
Our process allows us to take land that would have previously been deemed as unsuitable and reverse engineering it to ensure that it meets the requirements of a modern day burial ground both from an environmental compliance point of view but also a faith point of view.
From traditional cemeteries and graveyards to multifaith and natural burial grounds we are expertly placed to assist not only local authorities in land identification but also land owners on the suitability of their land.

Our collaborative work will ensure that you end up with the best possible outcome
Land repurposing that not only carries out vital function but also contributes extraordinarily to the environment can never be a bad idea, right?
Get in contact for a no obligation discussion.